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Aggreko International Projects Ltd. Taiwan Branch
Headquarter Address:12F-8, 155, Sec.1, Keelung Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei 110
Regional:Taipei City/New Taipei City
Business Type:Electrical Engineering & Equipment,Energy and Environment
Company Nationality:United Kingdom
Company Profile:
亞力克是國際領先的模組化電力,溫控及能源物業服務供應商。我們的工作在急速變化的能源市場中 採取。我們專注於為全球的客戶解決業務挑戰上的難題並提供即符合成本效益,靈活及綠化的解決方案。 

我們利用革新的作業方式讓我們的業務環球化並供應模塊化儀器符合多元化的工業用途,如工業項 目,公用事業或人道救援。不論繁華的都市或偏僻地區,我們都能把專業知識及儀器帶到支持您的業 務。我們提供微電網及儲能方案也正研發更多技術為客戶應對世界所正面對的能源轉型。我們獨創的 箱式發電設備由遍布全球 190 個國家204 處基地的 7300 多名員工全年不間斷的提供服務支持,隨時待命。
亞力克全球站點所組成的國際網絡可以在最短的時間內對客戶的要求做出響應。每一處亞力克的站點 都配有經驗豐富的銷售人員和工程師,隨時為不同的電力及溫控需要定制解決方案。 我們區域性的操作模式既可以做到真正的全球化服務和響應,同時也可以為不同的項目提供本地化的支持。 

Aggreko is a world-leading provider of mobile modular power, temperature control and energy services.  We are working at the forefront of a rapidly changing energy market and are focused on solving our  customers’ challenges to provide cost-effective, flexible and greener solutions across the globe. 

We harness innovation that helps us maintain a global reach and supply portable equipment for a wide  range of uses. From unique commercial industrial projects, though to utility provision and humanitarian  emergencies. We bring expertise and equipment to any location, from the world’s busiest cities to its  most remote places. We offer microgrid and storage solutions and are developing our offer to include  more tools to help our customers adapt to the energy transition the world is experiencing. What makes  us unique is our extensive expertise, experience and values. This means we put our customers first,  innovate and deliver leaner and more efficient equipment quickly. 

Since 1962, Aggreko has grown from a small local business to a global energy pioneer. We have more  than 7300 employees, operating in around 190 countries.  

Aggreko draws together global expertise and technology development to go further for customers. The  ability to provide power, heating and cooling will continue to open-up opportunity and create potential  for individuals, communities, industries and societies all over the world. Together and over time, we  believe our services will make a massive difference.
