
Marketing Club

  /    /  Marketing Club

Today’s marketing environment is evolving at a faster rate than at any time in history. With access to more information than ever before, consumers have become more discerning, while the opportunities for marketers to reach their audiences have multiplied many times over. Traditional communication and sales channels now operate in concert with and in competition with sophisticated hi-tech alternatives and the established players are both collaborating with and increasingly challenged by tech giants, by digital agencies and by a host of eager young start-ups. Transformation and disruption are the dominant themes.

The Marketing Club provides a forum for professionals from all parts of the business community to exchange ideas and experiences about the latest developments in the modern marketing landscape in Taiwan and beyond. The club hosts meetings a few times each year, focusing on topical issues and suggestions for future events and speakers from members are always welcomed.

Committee Co-chair

Mr. Mike Jewell

Freelance Consultant

Committee Staff

Meredith Sun

Government & Committee Affairs Officer

Tel: 886-2-2740-0236 ext 219