CBAM implications and solutions for industries in Asia
The ECCT's Energy & Environment committee jointly hosted the first in a planned seminar series
EU-Taiwan Electric Vehicle Conference
The ECCT was a co-organiser of the 2022 EU-Taiwan Electric Vehicle Conference together with the
GOWST 2022 pre-meeting with TIPC Taichung president
A delegation from the ECCT’s Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) visited TIPC Taichung Port, where they
SFB briefing on ESG reporting for listed companies
The ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) invited a representative from the Securities and Futures Bureau
出席歐洲日晚宴 蔡總統盼推台歐簽雙邊投資協定
中央通訊社:出席歐洲日晚宴 蔡總統盼推台歐簽雙邊投資協定 中時新聞網:總統出席歐洲日晚宴 感謝歐盟聲援台灣入世衛 自由時報:雙邊貿易達850億美元 蔡英文:台歐關係蓬勃發展 三立新聞網:全文/開放國際旅行!蔡英文宣布:將逐步檢視「邊境管制」 聯合新聞網:蔡英文:將逐步檢視邊境管制措施 讓國際旅行更便利 民視新聞網:快新聞/蔡英文:台灣將逐步檢視邊境管制措施 讓國際旅行更便利
2022 Europe Day Dinner
The ECCT's annual Europe Day Dinner was attended by a capacity crowd of distinguished guests
ECCT urges cooperation on energy, talent and investment
The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) is ready to assist the government to make
碳費怎麼收? 環保署:將研擬2030年前的費率調升機制
MoneyDJ理財網:《DJ在線》碳費怎麼定?「碳底價」倡議箭在弦上 聯合新聞網:環署:將擬2030年前碳費調升機制 PChome新聞:碳費初期費率下半年討論 環署擬滾動調升 工商時報:碳費收多少?環保署:碳費會隨時間遞增 中央通訊社:碳費初期費率下半年討論 環署擬滾動調升 中時新聞網:碳費收多少?環保署:碳費會隨時間遞增 聯合報:碳費怎麼收? 環保署:將研擬2030年前的費率調升機制
Carbon pricing forum
A forum on the theme "Carbon pricing strategy of Taiwan: path to global net zero