歐洲在臺商會淨灘 「台灣是我們的家」
聯合新聞網:歐洲在臺商會淨灘 「台灣是我們的家」、歐洲在台商會淨灘 執行長何飛逸感性說:台灣是我們的家 PChome:All in One高雄淨攤日 陳其邁:落實環境永續 、蘇伊士攜手歐洲在台商務協會發起淨灘活動 保護美麗台灣海岸 自由時報:歐洲在臺商會首度在高雄辦淨灘 陳其邁笑談「蜘蛛人」的話 臺灣新生報:高雄淨灘日 歐洲企業熱鬧展開
ECCT beach cleaning in Kaohsiung
ECCT beach cleaning in Kaohsiung Over 200 members of the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT)
US election impact on Taiwan
The ECCT arranged a Premium Event lunch on the topic: "The next four years: Implications
APRC holders to qualify for triple stimulus vouchers
Premier Su Tseng-chang has announced that all permanent foreign residents holding Alien Permanent Residence Cards
ECCT urges government to boost “Brand Taiwan”
ECCT urges government to boost "Brand Taiwan" The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) today released
Launch of the 2021 Position Papers
The ECCT's 2021 Position Papers were officially released at a Premium Event lunch. A copy
Progress made on 19% of 2020 Position Paper issues
The ECCT made progress on around 19% of issues raised in its 2020 Position Papers.