Taipei City Government's family friendly strategies to support families in Taipei
The ECCT's Family Friendly Alliance co-hosted an event with the Taipei City Government on advancing
賴總統讚台歐關係史上最佳 盼洽簽經濟夥伴協定
聯合新聞網:賴總統:期盼和歐盟洽簽經濟夥伴協定 創造互惠商機 聯合新聞網:賴清德總統出席歐洲日晚宴 與台中市長盧秀燕握手致意 華視:賴總統讚台歐關係史上最佳 盼洽簽經濟夥伴協定 青年日報:賴總統:臺歐關係史上最佳 盼共為國際社會貢獻更多 民視新聞網:賴清德出席歐洲日晚宴!盼台歐盟洽簽經濟夥伴協定 中時新聞網:出席歐洲商會晚宴 賴清德盼與歐盟簽署經濟夥伴協定 中央廣播電台:上任後首場歐洲日晚宴 賴總統盼與歐盟洽簽經濟夥伴協定 中央社:賴總統讚台歐關係史上最佳 盼洽簽經濟夥伴協定 中央社:出席歐洲日晚宴 盧秀燕:讓大家更認識台中 工商時報:出席歐洲日晚宴 賴清德盼台歐盟洽簽經濟夥伴協定 聯合新聞網:盧秀燕出席歐洲商會晚宴 與賴總統握手、與他聊到大笑 新唐人:歐洲日晚宴 總統盼簽經濟協定.共應對全球議題 風傳媒:盧秀燕出席「歐洲日晚宴」 深化台中、歐洲商會合作交流 自由時報:賴清德:台歐共享民主價值 形塑堅固夥伴關係
2024 Europe Day Dinner celebrates 30 years of government exchanges
The ECCT celebrated Europe Day at its annual dinner to mark the occasion. It was
Taoyuan Vegwink vegan gourmet party
The ECCT participated in the Taoyuan Vegwink vegan gourmet party (植感桃園 植人聚美食祭). The two-day gourmet
Progress made in digital healthcare
The ECCT’s Healthcare Sustainability committee has reported progress on the issue raised in its position
ECCT stresses importance of stakeholder engagement in renewable energy projects
The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) today launched the "Taiwan Renewable Energy Industry Challenges
ECCT launches stakeholder engagement report for renewable energy projects
The ECCT has published a new report offering insights and recommendations on ways to improve