活動日期: 2021年10月27日(星期三)全天,線上會議
Date: Wednesday, 27 October 2021, Virtual Meeting

活動形式: 實體結合線上。活動網頁僅開放線上觀眾報名。
Format: Hybrid. Registration only opens for web attendance.

同步口譯: 會議以中英文進行,提供同步口譯服務,與會者可選擇中文或英文頻道。
Language: English and Chinese. Simultaneous interpretation is available. Viewers may choose either Chinese or English channel.

活動介紹 About the forum

2020年是交通載具電動化的關鍵年,全球電動運具相關產業於疫情期間,仍加速成長。逾20國訂定汽車電動化目標或發佈燃油引擎(ICE)禁令,更有8國同步歐盟宣達淨零承諾(Net Zero);全球20大原廠製造商已有18家公開宣示將大幅增加電動車的供應及銷售;截至去年底,全球已逾1000萬輛電動汽車上路馳騁。


此研討會由歐洲商會智能移動委員會、經濟部工業局、經濟部能源局、經濟部標準檢驗局、環保署、交通部共同合作,邀集國內外專家分享歐洲、亞洲與臺灣在推動電動汽車相關政策與最佳實踐經驗,並探討: 1)充電標準與設施, 2)充電基礎建設與能源管理,以及 3)電動車生態系及供應鏈。期許促進產、官、學、研之間的交流,透過討論和合作,為國內運輸載具電動化勾勒未來的發展框架。

2020 marks a pivotal year for the electrification of mass market transportation. Despite the pandemic, the global development in vehicle electrification is accelerating. More than 20 countries have targets for electrification or phasing out internal combustion engine (ICE) cars, and eight countries plus the European Union have announced net-zero pledges. In addition, 18 of the 20 largest OEMs have committed to increase the offer and sales of EVs. Meanwhile, electric car registrations increased in major markets in 2020 despite the Covid-19 pandemic, taking the number of electric cars on the world’s roads to more than 10 million.

Taiwan’s ICT and automotive industries have also demonstrated ambitions in embracing the new trend to spearhead a new crucial role of Taiwan in the global e-mobility supply chain. However, there are many questions to be answered regarding how Taiwan is to meet its EV timeline and prepare industries for this transformation. In particular, without sufficient charging infrastructure, consumers will hesitate to go electric while charging providers may be reluctant to invest without government support.

This forum has been arranged in order to encourage exchanges, discussions, and cooperation between government agencies, industry experts and academia to discuss feasible solutions to make Taiwan’s EV transition a smooth one. Arranged by the ECCT’s Mobility committee in partnership with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, European Economic and Trade Office, and the Environmental Protection Administration, the forum will bring together policy makers and industry experts from both Taiwan, Europe and Asia to offer international insights and best practices on crucial topics in three sessions on: 1) Charging standards and facilities, 2) Charging infrastructure & power management, 3) EV ecosystems and supply chains.



Registration 報到 (30 min)

Opening remarks 開幕致詞 (30 min)

H. Henry Chang
Chairman, European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan
張瀚書 歐洲在臺商務協會理事長

Chuan-Neng Lin
Vice Minister, Ministry of Economic Affairs
林全能 經濟部常務次長

Head of Trade Section, European Economic and Trade Office
雍青龍 歐洲經貿辦事處經貿組組長

Hung-Teh Tsai
Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection Administration
蔡鴻德 環保署副署長

Political Deputy Minister, Ministry of Transportation and Communications
陳彥伯 交通部政務次長

Morning Session: Charging Standard and Facility
上午場: 充電標準&設備

What does real world e-mobility charging Infrastructure require? (25 min)

Jacques Borremans
Managing Director Asia, CharIN
CharIN 總監

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EV Smart Charging and V2G technology using CCS type 1 Plug (25 min)

Kijun Park
Head of Energy Solutions Group / Chief Researcher Smart Distribution Laboratory, Korea Electric Power Research Institute / Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)

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Certification of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) in Taiwan (25 min)

Carl Chang
Deputy Director, Taiwan Electric Research & Testing Center
張庭綱 臺灣大電力研究試驗中心電器試驗處 副處長

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Overview of Fire Safety Management for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Taiwan 電動車充電樁消防安全管理概要(25 min)

Huai-Tsu Mo
Director, National Fire Agency, Ministry of Interior
莫懷祖 內政部消防署組長

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Panel Discussion 專家座談 (45 min)

Moderator / 主持人:

Chun-Li Lee
Deputy Director General, Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs
李君禮 經濟部能源局副局長


Han-Chang Hsieh
Deputy Director General, Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs
謝翰璋 經濟部標準檢驗局副局長

Oliver Britz
ECCT Mobility Committee Co-Chair
畢立思 歐洲商會智能移動委員會聯合主席

Morning Session Speakers / 上午場講者

Lunch Time 午餐時間

Afternoon Session I: Charging infrastructure & Power Management
下午場 I : 充電基礎建設&能源管理

Coping Strategy of Electric Load for Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure 電動車充電設施用電因應策略(20 min)

Yao-Ting Wang
Vice President / CEO of Distribution & Service Division, Taipower
王耀庭 臺灣電力公司副總經理/配售電事業部執行長

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Role of Grid Scale Storage in Taiwan as the System Transforms (15 min)

Achal Sondhi
VP Growth, APAC, Fluence

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建築物設置電動車輛充電設施策略與展望 (15 min)

Wen-Ting Kao
Director, Building Administration Division, Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of Interior
高文婷 內政部營建署 建築管理組組長

Electric vehicle charging equipment installed in existing buildings 既有建築物設置電動汽車充電設備 (15 min)

Wen-Ming Lo
Assistant Director, Taipei City Construction Management Office
羅文明 臺北市政府建管處副處長

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Strengthening the rights of apartment owners in Germany - a real push for charging at home solutions (20 min)

Claire Dietz-Polte
Baker McKenzie 國際通商法律事務所

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Vivien Vacha
Senior Associate
Baker McKenzie 國際通商法律事務所

Panel Discussion 專家座談 (40 min)

Moderator / 主持人:

Wen-Ting Kao
Director, Building Administration Division, Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of Interior
高文婷 內政部營建署 建築管理組組長


Mathias Busse
ECCT Mobility Committee Co-Chair
傅孟哲 歐洲商會智能移動委員會聯合主席

Yow-Jen Rau
Deputy Director, Department of Power Distribution, Taipower
饒祐禎 臺灣電力公司配電處副處長

Afternoon Session I Speakers / 下午場I講者

Coffee Break & Network 中場休息 (10 min)

Afternoon Session II: EV Ecosystems & Supply Chain
下午場 II : 電動車生態系與供應鏈

Electric Mobility: Leading the global transformation (20 min)

Jeff Renaud
Managing Director, Asia and Oceania, Enel X

Lessons from rolling out a pan-European High-Power Charging Network (20 min)

Dominik Ziriakus
Governmental Affairs, IONITY

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Overview of Taiwan EV infrastructure and future developments 台灣充電基礎設施概況和未來發展(15 min)

Eric Wang
Director of EV Business Division, YES Energy
王柏棠 裕電能源總監

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The European Battery Alliance – supporting electric vehicle industry transformation (20 min)

James Copping
Principle Administrator of Automotive and Mobility Industries Unit, European Commission DG Grow 歐盟執委會成長總署

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Development Opportunities for Electric Vehicle in Taiwan (15 min)

Wen-Tsan Lu
Deputy Division Director, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs
盧文燦 經濟部工業局副組長

Shaping a new era of mobility (20 min)

Jan Hollmann
Head of Strategy, Transformation and Product Management, Bosch Business Sector Mobility Solutions, Bosch

Opportunities and challenges for ICT players in smart vehicles 全球智慧車風潮下 ICT 產業的機會與挑戰 (15 min)

Sam Shen
Secretary General, Taiwan Advanced Automotive Technology Development Association (TADA)
沈舉三 台灣先進車用技術發展協會(籌備處) 祕書長

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Panel Discussion 專家座談 (40 min)

Moderator / 主持人:

Wen-Tsan Lu
Deputy Division Director, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs
盧文燦 經濟部工業局副組長


Afternoon Session II Speakers / 下午場II講者
(Jeff Renaud 因時差問題不克參加)

Closure 閉幕



  1. 本活動報名截止日為2021年10月25日(星期ㄧ)。主辦單位將視狀況提前結束線上報名時間。
    The registration deadline is Monday, 25 October, 2021.

  2. 本活動為專業研討會,僅接受受邀單位預先線上報名並完成登錄手續。同一單位報名以1至2位為限,主辦單位將保留報名資格之最終審核權力。
    The forum is a professional event that only accept applicants who have been invited and have completed registration procedure. Each qualifying entity may register 1 or a maximum of 2 participants. The organizer reserves the right to restrict or approve the registrations of applicants.

  3. 本次活動若適逢天災(地震等)不可抗拒之因素,將延期舉辦時間另行通知。
    The forum will be postponed in the event of a natural disaster (e.g., earthquake) or other force majeure occurrences. If this happens, participants will be notified of the rescheduled time.

  4. 若因不可預測之突發因素,主辦單位得保留活動議程及講師之變更權力。
    The organizer reserves the right to change the agenda and the speakers of the forum.






